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Traditionally Delicious Egg Salad and an Award

6 Jun

Egg salad. It’s a staple in the South at picnics, dinner on the grounds church revivals, outdoor barbeques, and pool side suppers. I haven’t had egg salad in a while and I woke up with a craving. Seeing as how it is 100° outside and NOT cooling down anytime soon, cold egg salad sounded like a winner. Served along side a mountain of fresh fruit, this easy dish is great for both lunch and dinner.


Egg Salad

Servings: 4
Time: 15 minutes
Level: Easy

8 eggs
1/3 c. mayo (fat free works fine)
1 tbsp. yellow mustard
1 1/2 tbsp. sweet pickle relish
salt and pepper, to taste
paprika, to taste

Boil eggs until hard boiled. (Follow these instructions for perfectly hard boiled eggs.) Peel eggs and chop them into similar sized cubes. In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together. Add more of any ingredient if desired. Serve cold. Yum!

– Serve egg salad as a sandwich on any type of bread. You can add spinach, lettuce, and tomatoes if you want.
– Try adding leftover grilled chicken to the mix.
– Add 1 or 2 more eggs and remove the yolks of a few to make it a healthier.

On a very exciting note, Sandra from shared “The Versatile Blogger” award with me.

In keeping with acceptance of the award I will share 5 things about me that you probably don’t know. I will also pass this award on to 5 new or newly discovered (to me) blogs. Here goes:

1. I am 26 years old and I am currently living at my 26th address.
2. I hate salami.
3. I’m terrified of snakes. I can’t even look at pictures of them or see them on TV.
4. I would LOVE to go to culinary school and open a little cafe one day. Too bad the hours are terrible!
5. I can’t pass up a soft sugar cookie, no matter how stuffed or sick I am…

Food Blogging has led me to some amazing bloggers and mouth-watering recipes. Choosing 5 is almost as challenging as the 5 things about me, but here goes.

Mrs. Ts Eats’


a muse in my kitchen


The New Healthy
